Executive Board

  • Alex Bayer, EMT, EMS-I


    Alex is a Senior Nursing major with a minor in Music. He enjoys teaching EMS CME classes and helping out on various state EMS committees. Back at home, he runs a Lifeguarding and CPR training company – BayerCPR, and volunteers as an EMT at the Huntington Community First Aid Squad.

  • Bruna Pomazi, EMT


    Bruna is a junior honors student in the Biology 3+1 MCB program on the pre-med track. She works as a Medical Assistant for AFC Urgent care. Back at home, Bruna volunteers & works as an EMT for Redding Ridge Fire & EMS Co. No.1 as well as West Redding Fire & EMS Co. No.2. She is also a BLS Instructor for the QU Training Site.

  • Brandon Assi, EMT

    Director of Operations

    Brandon Assi is pursuing an MHS in Biomedical Sciences from Rehoboth, Massachusetts. He is a CPR instructor for QUEMS, and serves as a refounding member and current treasurer of Tau Kappa Epsilon, while also working as a Graduate Assistant in the Biomedical Science labs.

  • Lia Roybal, EMT

    Director of Education

    Lia is a senior Biomedical Sciences Major on the Pre-PA Track with a double minor in Biology and Chemistry. Outside of QU EMS, Lia is a Patient Care Technician at Middlesex Hospital and one of the Captains for the Quinnipiac Kickline.

  • Ryan Rourke, EMT

    Director of Staff

    Ryan is a junior Health Science major in the ELMPA program. In addition to working as an EMT for QU EMS, he is also a BLS and STB Instructor for the QU Training Site. Outside of the organization, Ryan works as a camp EMT and lifeguard for his local YMCA.

  • Abigail Crowell, EMT

    Director of Auxiliary

    Abby is a senior nursing major with a minor in sociology. Outside of QU EMS, Abby works for the Quinnipiac University Simulation Lab. She is also a Nurse Fellow at Hartford Healthcare’s St. Vincent’s Medical Center in the Emergency Department.

  • Luke Mello

    Interim Director of Finance

    Luke is a Senior Criminal Justice Major and Law and Society Minor from Massachusetts. He is a BLS Instructor through QUEMS. Beyond QU EMS Luke works for the Mattapoisett Police Department.

Department of Operations

Department of Education

Department of Staff

Department of Auxiliary

Department of Finance